Member-only story
It is a dirty job but someone has to do it, right? We transgender women and trans men are in a unique position to be the only go between both of the primary genders and make a difference. If society and politicians let us.
I did not set out to write another post criticizing a certain political party in my state of Ohio which is trying to do away with all transgender rights. You all know where I stand. Instead what I am writing about is singing the praises of acquiring deeper gender knowledge. Very few humans ever get the chance to journey across the gender border and see how the other half lives.
Interestingly, there were times I was asked for my feelings about how another woman’s spouse or boyfriend was feeling towards her. Women are more intuitive than men and were seeking out my ideas because they knew I at one time, had occupied the male world. I was filling a void they could not find anywhere else.
Even still, bridging the gender gap was exceedingly difficult. There were so many things to learn about how the genders interacted with each other to survive in the world. In addition, I needed to adjust to being the pursued gender rather than the pursuer was all I thought it would be. I grew up with the idea girls or women had it easier because they did not have to go through the torment of finding dates, right into deciding what was the right…