PinnedThe Only Transgender Woman?This is really an extension of yesterday’s post. During the post I mentioned the times when I discovered there were actually others who…May 22, 202410May 22, 202410
PinnedTransgender Closure?Sometimes it seems as if closure to a transgender woman never comes.May 9, 20242May 9, 20242
PinnedKnocked off Another PedestalRecently I participated in a Veterans Administration survey. It primarily revolved my treatment at VA facilities as well as background on…Dec 17, 20226Dec 17, 20226
PinnedHow to be TransgenderWhat a question…right? All of us most certainly have a different but yet oddly similar answer to the question. Along the way here on the…Dec 11, 20227Dec 11, 20227
PinnedTrans Girl in a Gay BarIt wasn’t too long following my coming out of my gender closet when I began to try to go to gay venues to express my authentic self in a…Dec 8, 20223Dec 8, 20223
Should You be a Gender Jumper?As we go through life, many of us have chances to jump and try to improve our status.12h ago112h ago1
Preparing for the WorldBefore we get started, I would like to take the time to respond to a comment from an anonymous reader to the blog.1d ago21d ago2
Born this Way for Women’s DayI had no choice; I was born with gender issues which I would have to deal with my entire life.2d ago42d ago4
I Was Ready…but Was the World?It took me years to understand and accept my transgender womanhood, but once I did, what was the world going to think.3d ago3d ago
Real Life Gender ImpostorsAt various times in my life, I have suffered from impostor’s syndrome when I was out with other women celebrating a girl’s night out.4d ago4d ago